Who are Katherine Heigl’s adopted and biological children?
Katherine Heigl is mum to two daughters, Naleigh, 13, and Adalaide, 10. Both were adopted by Heigl and Kelley.
Naleigh was born in South Korea and was adopted at 9 months old. Shortly after adopting her, Heigl told Gala magazine that she would love to welcome another child into her family.
“We would love to have a second child, adopted or biological,” she told the publication.
In 2012, Heigl and Kelley did just that—Adalaide, born in Louisiana, was adopted by the pair.
Heigl has spoken previously about the emotional moment she met Adalaide for the first time.
“Ten years ago today Adalaide made her way into the world and into our arms,” she shared in an Instagram post in April 2022.
“She was the smallest baby I had ever seen. Weighing in at just 4 pounds 11 ounces. I could place her in the palm of my hand and her little legs would only reach an inch past my wrist. I started calling her peanut after that. My beautiful, delicious, observant peanut.
“She made you work to make her laugh… still does. She has the most beautiful soulful eyes and when she trains them on you just know she’s taking it ALL in and yes…she’s judging you. If you are one of her people count yourself blessed. Her loyalty. Devotion. Care. Love. Is Boundless. We count ourselves very very blessed.”
(Credit: Instagram @katherineheigl)
In 2017, Heigl became pregnant with her third child, welcoming a baby son, Joshua, that year.
At the time, Kelley opened up to Us Weekly about having a biological child.
“With Adalaide, you know, we adopted her from birth, so we got that experience. Naleigh, we got her when she was 9 months old, so this obviously is our first time going through this. It’s exciting and super new.”
In July 2022, Heigl shared a sweet update with Adelaide and Joshua enjoying the summer sun. Summing it all up, she simply captioned the image with a red love heart.
(Credit: Instagram @katherineheigl)
Heigl has also spoken about the significance of adopting. In November 2020, she shared a photo in celebration of National Adoption Month, “A month to celebrate all adoptive families and to recognise the need for forever homes for children in foster care,” she wrote.
Heigl has also explained why she chose to adopt in the first place: “I wanted my own family to resemble the one I came from, so I always knew I wanted to adopt from Korea,” she said shortly after adopting Naleigh.
“We have talked about having biological children as well, but we decided to adopt first. I just wanted to be a mum.”
(Credit: Instagram @katherineheigl)
In November 2022, Heigl appeared on US talkshow, The View, with Naleigh. During the segment, Heigl emotionally described how she has struggled to balance her work with motherhood.
“Naleigh came to us at nine months and three days later, I got on a plane and went to work in Atlanta,” the actor admitted.
“I never saw that baby. I was at work with three triplets who were playing my goddaughter and I spent more time with them than I did with my new daughter and she bonded with my husband. So, I was always afraid that I had missed that opportunity to really bond with her and that she didn’t love me.”
Naleigh was visibly emotional as well as Heigl continued to explain how society might have us believe that parents should be able to “do it all”.
“At the time, becoming a new mother, I was just like, ‘I got it. I got it. I can handle this,’
“You know, they’ve told us we can have it all. We can have careers and have families and it’s all gonna be great. It’s all gonna work out.”
But Heigl knows as well as any other parent now that raising children is never linear, and she’s well aware of how much love her children have for her—and vice versa.
С 2005 года Фонд правовой защиты животных ранжирует штаты США в порядке от лучших к худшим в зависимости от силы их законов о защите животных. Иллинойс, Орегон, Мэн, Калифорния и Мичиган последовательно возглавляли список, в то время как Северная Дакота, Юта, Вайоминг, Айова и Кентукки остаются наименьшими в стране
Шанс — это спасательная собака, которую реабилитируют, чтобы он мог посещать детей в школах и учить их правильному обращению с животными. Этот маленький возлюбленный уже пережил невообразимую боль и горе в своей короткой пятимесячной жизни. Смесь ушастого терьера Pit Bull замерзла, когда он был
Продюсеры китайского научно-фантастического фильма «Безумный инопланетянин» обвиняются в жестоком обращении с животными по отношению к немецкой овчарке, которая появлялась в фильме. Звезды кино Мэтью Моррисон, который сыграл Уилла Шустера в сериале «Glee», однако он не был на съемочной площадке, когда произошло предполагаемое насилие. По словам ЛЮДЕЙ, неизвестные
Новое исследование, проведенное Национальным обществом Одюбона, показало, что изменение климата угрожает половине птиц Северной Америки. Кошка Карла Лагерфельда Шупетт запускает собственную линию косметических средств, соучредитель «Слоны Надежды» случайно убит слоном и другими животными новостями.
Плюс: новый сайт Rover.com связывает владельцев домашних животных с любителями собак, которые могут сидеть сложа руки, непрекращающиеся лаки на Гавайях ходят за консультациями и получают больше новостей о животных.
Mommy turned activist
Sadly, life isn’t all about cute photos and early morning cuddle sessions. But in May 2020, Heigl shared a series of photos on Instagram that revealed how much she worries about the future for her children.
That day, she shared some very deep thoughts following the death of George Floyd. She wrote, “I can’t sleep. And when I do, I wake with a single thought in my head. How will I tell Adalaide? How will I explain the unexplainable? How can I protect her? How can I break a piece of her beautiful divine spirit to do so?”
She continued: “I can’t sleep. I lay in my bed in the dark and weep for every mother of a beautiful divine black child who has to extinguish a piece of their beloved baby’s spirit to try to keep them alive in a country that has too many sleeping soundly.”
Obviously, there are no easy answers to the questions Heigl is asking. All she and Kelley can do is offer Adalaide and their other children unconditional love and support.
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Her kids, their story
It may seem easy being born into a celebrity family. But Heigl understands all too well that her own fame and success could threaten to overshadow her children’s lives.
To this end, Heigl tries to empower the children to take control of their own stories, and she isn’t afraid to share important info with them. As she said in an interview with People, she had this response for Naleigh and Adelaide when they had questions about their background. “This is your story. We don’t have any information about your biological fathers, but we do have a bit about your biological mothers.”
Ultimately, Heigl seems to be creating a safe space for her kids where they can learn more about themselves at their own pace. “If you guys want to talk more about them, you can have as much or as little information as you want,” she told the children. “Tell us what you’re comfortable with knowing.”
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Видео: Кэтрин Хейгл запускает линию домашних животных, посвященную прекращению жестокого обращения с животными
Видео: Этника от Роберто Кавалли. Люневильский крючок. 12+ — YouTube 2024, Январь
Кэтрин Хейгл запускает линию домашних животных, посвященную прекращению жестокого обращения с животными
Голливудская старшая сестра и бывшая модель обложки Modern Dog Кэтрин Хейгл приступила к работе над своим новым проектом, который гарантированно порадует любителей животных. Предприятие, которое называется Just One, представляет собой линию товаров для животных, от которой часть каждой продажи будет поддерживать усилия и программы по защите животных.
«Жестокое обращение с животными и ненужная эвтаназия являются серьезной проблемой», — сказал Хейгл. «Just One считает, что если каждый из нас сделает что-то для решения этой проблемы, мы вместе решим ее. Каждый раз, когда кто-то покупает продукт Just One, процент от этой покупки поможет стерилизовать и стерилизовать домашних животных, разместить сирот в любящих домах и положить конец эвтаназии 10 000 домашних животных в день. Наша цель — информировать людей и сделать так, чтобы они как можно проще взяли на себя обязательство помочь нам изменить ситуацию в этой стране для домашних животных ». Хейгл и ее мама Нэнси Хейгл, оба преданные защитники животных, основали Just One чтобы помочь финансировать Фонд Джейсона Дебуса Хейгла, организацию, которую они основали в память о своем брате и сыне Джейсоне, который скончался в возрасте 15 лет.
Как говорит Кэтрин, «вы решаете большие проблемы, делая маленькие шаги. В этом случае сохраняются по одному питомцу за раз. Отсюда и название нашей компании. Если тысячи людей каждый из нас поможет нам спасти только одного питомца, мы сможем добиться больших успехов в искоренении бесчеловечного обращения с животными ». Проверьте это на just1pet.com.
Meet Katherine Heigl’s children
In 2007, Katherine Heigl married country music singer Josh Kelley. The couple adopted their daughter Naleigh from South Korea in 2009 when she was nine months old. Heigl’s decision was perhaps inspired by her own adopted sister Mel, who was also born in South Korea.
But Heigl and Kelley weren’t done yet. In 2012, they expanded their family when they adopted another daughter, Adalaide, from birth in the U.S. Then, the family got even bigger when Heigl gave birth to a son, Joshua Jr., in 2017.
Now, Naleigh, 12, Adalaide, 8, and Joshua, 4, are growing up and Heigl loves to share photos of the happy family on Instagram.
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Josh Kelley, proud father and hubby
In their relationship, Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley know it’s all about finding a balance between time with each other and time with the children. Kelley is never afraid to step up and be a supportive father, and Heigl loves to praise him for it on Instagram.
Back in January 2017, Heigl pointed out that Kelley ended his birthday by cuddling with the kids. “How @joshbkelley is finishing off his birthday, with sleepy snuggles from his namesake,” she shared, along with an adorable photo.
She continued: “Could not be more grateful for this extraordinary man and for this extraordinary day that he was born! Happy Birthday to the sexiest, funniest, smartest, most talented, charming man I have ever met! Oh and he’s not too shabby in the Dad department either … is there ANYTHING the man can not do??!!!”
From where we’re standing, the answer to that question is definitely “no.”